The Sié Center's responsible engagement project is built on the premise that responsible and constructive policy engagement is most likely when scholars reflect on the ethical dilemmas they face. With support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, this project aims to raise awareness around the ethical concerns that arise in policy-engaged scholarship and encourage critical reflection and dialogue around them.
To accomplish this we have created an Ethical Engagement Panel and a platform where scholars can ask for anonymous advice on ethical challenges they face. We have also conducted research including surveys, case studies, and individual reflections on particular challenging situations. And we have developed curriculum and a series of trainings on responsible engagement.
This website is a portal to our ongoing work. On it, you can ask an anonymous question, browse the questions and answers others have posed, see individual reflections, access our research outputs, and find information on our trainings and curriculum.
Institutional Partners

University of Denver - Josef Korbel School of International Studies

Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security and Diplomacy

Bridging the Gap

The Carnegie Corporation of New York


Faculty & Staff at the Sié Chéou-Kang Center
Josef Korbel School of International Studies
University of Denver

Svede Acabay Öğüç

Deborah Avant

Naazneen Barma

Kelci Burckhardt

George DeMartino

Audrey Elliot

Rachel Epstein

Ilene Grabel

Cullen Hendrix

Oliver Kaplan

Gergana Kostadinova

Julia Macdonald

Tricia Olsen

Jill Schmieder Hereau

Timothy Sisk
Ethical Engagement Panel
Apryl Alexander
Deborah Avant
Naazneen Barma
Jacqueline Best
Kanisha Bond
Nadia Brown
Daniel Brunstetter
Susanna Campbell
Charli Carpenter
Dara Kay Cohen
Jesse Driscoll
John Emery
Tanisha Fazal
Martha Finnemore
Francis Gavin
Jim Goldgeier
Virginia Haufler
Cullen Hendrix
Catherine Herrold
Shareen Hertel
Michael Horowitz
Susan Hyde
Bruce Jentleson
Miles Kahler
Elisabeth King
Jason Lyall
Marc Lynch
Jamila Michener
Dipali Mukhopadhyay
Hollie Nyseth Brehm
Sarah E. Parkinson
Phil Roessler
Stephanie Seguino
Michael Tierney
Stacy VanDeveer
In memoriam:
Mount Holyoke College
We appreciate the participation of Jon Western, whose unexpected passing left a void in the IR community. He was an intellectual leader in the field whose ethical compass was strong. We are sad to lose his energetic efforts.