
Addressing Uncomfortable Recommendations: Perpetrators and Person-First Language

Dr. Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira

Type of engagement

This reflection is relevant to people engaging with government officials, policymakers, practitioners, educators, and those who experienced atrocities.

The Challenge
  • How to advocate for policy recommendations that, at face value, cause discomfort.

Dr. Nyseth Nzitatira (aka Hollie Nyseth Brehm) obtained her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Minnesota in 2014. She is

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Issue Areas: , Engagement Experiences:

Navigating Ethical Complexity and Contracting in Multi-Stakeholder Projects

Charli Carpenter

The challenges:

  • Balancing the desire to collaborate with / provide analytical support to a government agency on a matter of crucial national and human security importance, with the need to maintain institutional and analytical autonomy in our own academic-practitioner interactions.
  • Managing expectations by practitioners / policymakers about what type of analysis could be reasonably and ethically produced under
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Issue Areas: Engagement Experiences:

Requests for Revisions That Go Against One’s Findings

Elisabeth King

The Challenge:

Responding to requests for substantive revisions to consultancy work that go against one’s findings, analysis, or professional opinion

The Background and Policy Setting:

King is a political scientist committed to conducting policy-relevant research related to war, peace, development, and education. Over the past 15 years, alongside her university-based work, she has partnered with a number of governments, non-governmental

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Issue Areas: Engagement Experiences: ,

Public Questions & Answers

Ethics of Engagement