
Engaging on the Creation of Cybersecurity Norms
The challenge: How to advise on complex phenomena (creating cybersecurity norms) when the narrative surrounding them is oversimplified.
- In particular, it is difficult to explain to policymakers the intersubjectivity of norms and their sociological basis in a way that is immediately policy relevant.
- The “problem” in question often involves many dimensions not related to norms at all.
Issue Areas: Digital / Cyber Space, Larger Systems: Economy, Environment, TechnologyEngagement Experiences: Arms length writing for policy audiences, Close collaboration with policymakers
Public Questions & Answers
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Question Summary:
Passing judgement on organizations that offer me research consultancies ?
Issue Areas: American/Comparative Public Policy, Corporate / NGO Engagement, DDR / Recovering from War, Digital / Cyber Space, Economic Issues, Environment / Climate, Health, Policing, Traditional Peace and SecurityEngagement Experiences: Writing for policy audiences with which the scholar is connected