
Engaging With Policymakers
The challenges:
- Identifying and understanding the limits and failures of policy expertise, as well as the role and nature of policy ignorance when engaging with policymakers, while acknowledging that policymakers who work in the field of economics are often under a great deal of pressure to get things right
- Approaching issues as a political economist and a social
Issue Areas: Economic Issues, Larger Systems: Economy, Environment, TechnologyEngagement Experiences: Arms length writing for policy audiences
Public Questions & Answers
Date submitted:
Question Summary:
Passing judgement on organizations that offer me research consultancies ?
Issue Areas: American/Comparative Public Policy, Corporate / NGO Engagement, DDR / Recovering from War, Digital / Cyber Space, Economic Issues, Environment / Climate, Health, Policing, Traditional Peace and SecurityEngagement Experiences: Writing for policy audiences with which the scholar is connected
Date submitted:
Question Summary:
Political Economy Analysis with an International Organization
Issue Areas: Economic IssuesEngagement Experiences: Close collaboration with policymakers